National research team

Professor Gu Baijun

Chief Scientist

Professor Gu Baijun

International neuroscientist, founder of natural phagocytosis theory

University of Melbourne Florey Institute PhD Supervisor

Australian "Future Thousand" Scholars (ARC Future Fellowship)

Visiting Professor, University of Sydney


Visiting Professor, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University

National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Diseases (Huashan) PI

State-recognized Class A foreign high-end talents

Ministry of Science and Technology Initiative Health Major Special Project Only International Partner

Professor Colin Masters Laurel

Chief Scientific Advisor

Professor Colin Masters Laurel

International Neuroscience Specialist

A leading scientist in the global AD field

One of the earliest discoverers of the AD marker Aβ

One of the world's largest dementia research cohorts: AIBL founder and leader

Professor, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne

Senior Consultant in Health, Royal Melbourne Hospital and Melbourne

Qankorey Life International R&D Center

Industry University Research Cooperation

Hunan Qankorey Technology Co., Ltd.
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Qualifications and Patents

Invention patent certificate

Invention patent certificate

European patent for invention

European patent for invention

Japanese Patent Number

Japanese Patent Number

Luxembourg patent for invention

Luxembourg patent for invention

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Invention patent certificate

Invention patent certificate

European patent for invention

European patent for invention

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